Engine & APIC Reference
Interactions with Kurtosis happen via API. To facilitate interaction with Kurtosis, we provide client libraries for interacting with the Kurtosis API. These can be used to, for example, write Kurtosis-based tests using your test framework of choice.
This page documents the objects and functions in the client libraries.
The sidebar on the right can be used to quickly navigate classes.
A connection to a Kurtosis engine, used for manipulating enclaves.
createEnclave(String enclaveName) -> [EnclaveContext][enclavecontext] enclaveContext
Creates a new Kurtosis enclave using the given parameters. The enclave will be created in default mode (when services fail, it won't restart)
: The name to give the new enclave.
: An EnclaveContext object representing the new enclave.
createProductionEnclave(String enclaveName) -> [EnclaveContext][enclavecontext] enclaveContext
Same as above, but creates an enclave in production mode (services will restart upon failure)
getEnclaveContext(String enclaveIdentifier) -> [EnclaveContext][enclavecontext] enclaveContext
Gets the EnclaveContext object for the given enclave ID.
: The identifier of the enclave.
: The EnclaveContext representation of the enclave.
getEnclaves() -> Enclaves enclaves
Gets the enclaves that the Kurtosis engine knows about.
: The Enclaves representation of all enclaves that Kurtosis the engine knows about.
getEnclave(String enclaveIdentifier) -> EnclaveInfo enclaveInfo
Gets information about the enclave for the given identifier
: The identifier of the enclave.
: The EnclaveInfo object representing the enclave
stopEnclave(String enclaveIdentifier)
Stops the enclave with the given identifier, but doesn't destroy the enclave objects (containers, networks, etc.) so they can be further examined.
NOTE: Any EnclaveContext objects representing the stopped enclave will become unusable.
: Identifier of the enclave to stop.
destroyEnclave(String enclaveIdentifier)
Stops the enclave with the given identifier and destroys the enclave objects (containers, networks, etc.).
NOTE: Any EnclaveContext objects representing the stopped enclave will become unusable.
: Identifier of the enclave to destroy.
clean(boolean shouldCleanAll) -> []EnclaveNameAndUuid RemovedEnclaveNameAndUuids
Destroys enclaves in the Kurtosis engine.
: If set to true, destroys running enclaves in addition to stopped ones.
: A list of enclave uuids and names that were removed successfully
getServiceLogs(String enclaveIdentifier, Set<ServiceUUID> serviceUuids, Boolean shouldFollowLogs, LogLineFilter logLineFilter) -> ServiceLogsStreamContent serviceLogsStreamContent
Get and start a service container logs stream (showed in ascending order, with the oldest line first) from services identified by their UUID.
: Identifier of the services' enclave.serviceUuids
: A set of service UUIDs identifying the services from which logs should be retrieved.shouldFollowLogs
: If it's true, the stream will constantly send the new log lines. if it's false, the stream will be closed after the last created log line is sent.logLineFilter
: The filter that will be used for filtering the returned log lines
: The ServiceLogsStreamContent object which wrap all the information coming from the logs stream.
getExistingAndHistoricalEnclaveIdentifiers() -> EnclaveIdentifiers enclaveIdentifiers
Get all (active & deleted) historical identifiers for the currently running Kurtosis engine.
The EnclaveIdentifiers which provides user-friendly ways to lookup enclave identifier information.
This class is a representation of identifiers of enclaves.
getEnclaveUuidForIdentifier(string identifier) -> EnclaveUUID enclaveUuid, Error
Returns the UUID that matches the given identifier. If there are no matches it returns an error instead.
: A enclave identifier string
: The UUID for the enclave identified by theidentifier
getOrderedListOfNames() -> []String enclaveNames
Returns an ordered list of names for all the enclaves registered with the engine. This is useful if users want to enumerate all enclave names, say for an autocomplete like function.
: This is a sorted list of enclave names
This class is the representation of the content sent during a service logs stream communication. This wrapper includes the service's logs content and the not found service UUIDs.
getServiceLogsByServiceUuids() -> Map<ServiceUUID, Array<ServiceLog>> serviceLogsByServiceUuids
Returns the user service logs content grouped by the service's UUID.
: A map containing a list of the ServiceLog objects grouped by service UUID.
getNotFoundServiceUuids() -> Set<ServiceUUID> notFoundServiceUuids
Returns the not found service UUIDs. The UUIDs may not be found either because they don't exist, or because the services haven't sent any logs.
: A set of not found service UUIDs
This class represents single service's log line information
getContent() -> String content
: The log line string content
This class is used to specify the match used for filtering the service's log lines. There are a couple of helpful constructors that can be used to generate the filter type
NewDoesContainTextLogLineFilter(String text) -> LogLineFilter logLineFilter
Returns a LogLineFilter type which must be used for filtering the log lines containing the text match
: The text that will be used to match in the log lines
: The does-contain-text-match log line filter
NewDoesNotContainTextLogLineFilter(String text) -> LogLineFilter logLineFilter
Returns a LogLineFilter type which must be used for filtering the log lines that do not contain the text match
: The text that will be used to match in the log lines
: The does-not-contain-text-match log line filter
NewDoesContainMatchRegexLogLineFilter(String regex) -> LogLineFilter logLineFilter
Returns a LogLineFilter type which must be used for filtering the log lines containing the regex match, re2 syntax regex may be used
: The regex expression that will be used to match in the log lines
: The does-contain-regex-match log line filter
NewDoesNotContainMatchRegexLogLineFilter(String regex) -> LogLineFilter logLineFilter
Returns a LogLineFilter type which must be used for filtering the log lines that do not contain the regex match, re2 syntax regex may be used
: The regex expression that will be used to match in the log lines
: The does-not-contain-regex-match log line filter
This Kurtosis provided class is a collection of various different EnclaveInfo objects, by UUID, shortened UUID, and name.
Map<String, EnclaveInfo> enclavesByUuid
A map from UUIDs to the enclave info for the enclave with the given UUID.
Map<String, EnclaveInfo> enclavesByName
A map from names to the enclave info for the enclave with the given name
Map<String, EnclaveInfo[]> enclavesByShortenedUuid
A map from shortened UUID (first 12 characters of UUID) to the enclave infos of the enclaves it matches too.
This Kurtosis provided class contains information about enclaves. This class just contains data and no methods to manipulate enclaves. Users must use EnclaveContext to modify the state of an enclave.
getEnclaveUuid() -> EnclaveUuid
Gets the UUID of the enclave that this EnclaveInfo object represents.
getShortenedUuid() -> String
Gets the shortened UUID of the enclave that this EnclaveInfo object represents.
getName() -> String
Gets the name of the enclave that this EnclaveInfo object represents.
getCreationTime() -> Timestamp
Gets the timestamp at which the enclave that this EnclaveInfo object represents was created.
getCreationTime() -> Timestamp
Gets the timestamp at which the enclave that this EnclaveInfo object represents was created.
getContainersStatus() -> Status
Gets the current status of the container running the enclave represented by this EnclaveInfo. Is one of 'EMPTY', 'RUNNING' and 'STOPPED'.
This Kurtosis-provided class is the lowest-level representation of a Kurtosis enclave, and provides methods for inspecting and manipulating the contents of the enclave.
getEnclaveUuid() -> EnclaveUuid
Gets the UUID of the enclave that this EnclaveContext object represents.
getEnclaveName() -> String
Gets the name of the enclave that this EnclaveContext object represents.
runStarlarkScript(String serializedStarlarkScript, StarlarkRunConfig runConfig) -> (Stream<StarlarkRunResponseLine> responseLines, Error error)
Run a provided Starlark script inside the enclave.
: The Starlark script provided as a stringstarlarkRunConfig
: A configuration object of type StarlarkRunConfig
: A stream of StarlarkRunResponseLine objects
runStarlarkPackage(String packageRootPath, StarlarkRunConfig starlarkRunConfig) -> (Stream<StarlarkRunResponseLine> responseLines, Error error)
Run a provided Starlark script inside the enclave.
: The path to the root of the packagestarlarkRunConfig
: A configuration object of type StarlarkRunConfig
: A stream of StarlarkRunResponseLine objects
runStarlarkRemotePackage(String packageId, StarlarkRunConfig starlarkRunConfig) -> (Stream<StarlarkRunResponseLine> responseLines, Error error)
Run a Starlark script hosted in a remote github.com repo inside the enclave.
: The ID of the package pointing to the github.com repo hosting the package. For examplegithub.com/kurtosistech/datastore-army-package
: A configuration object of type StarlarkRunConfig
: A stream of StarlarkRunResponseLine objects
runStarlarkScriptBlocking(String mainFunctionName, StarlarkRunConfig starlarkRunConfig) -> (StarlarkRunResult runResult, Error error)
Convenience wrapper around EnclaveContext.runStarlarkScript, that blocks until the execution of the script is finished and returns a single StarlarkRunResult object containing the result of the run.
runStarlarkPackageBlocking(String packageRootPath, StarlarkRunConfig starlarkRunConfig) -> (StarlarkRunResult runResult, Error error)
Convenience wrapper around EnclaveContext.runStarlarkPackage, that blocks until the execution of the package is finished and returns a single StarlarkRunResult object containing the result of the run.
runStarlarkRemotePackageBlocking(String packageId, StarlarkRunConfig starlarkRunConfig) -> (StarlarkRunResult runResult, Error error)
Convenience wrapper around EnclaveContext.runStarlarkRemotePackage, that blocks until the execution of the package is finished and returns a single StarlarkRunResult object containing the result of the run.
getServiceContext(String serviceIdentifier) -> ServiceContext serviceContext
Gets relevant information about a service (identified by the given service identifier) that is running in the enclave.
: The identifier(name, UUID or short name) of the target service
The ServiceContext representation of a service running in a Docker container.
getServices() -> Map<ServiceName, ServiceUUID> serviceIdentifiers
Gets the Name and UUID of the current services in the enclave.
: A map of objects containing a mapping of Name -> UUID for all the services inside the enclave
uploadFiles(String pathToUpload, String artifactName) -> FilesArtifactUUID, FilesArtifactName, Error
Uploads a filepath or directory path as a files artifact. The resulting files artifact can be used in ServiceConfig.files
when adding a service.
If a directory is specified, the contents of the directory will be uploaded to the archive without additional nesting. Empty directories cannot be uploaded.
: Filepath or dirpath on the local machine to compress and upload to Kurtosis.artifactName
: The name to refer the artifact with.
: A UUID identifying the new files artifact, which can be used inServiceConfig.files
: The name of the file-artifact, it is auto-generated ifartitfactName
is an empty string.
storeWebFiles(String urlToDownload, String artifactName)
Downloads a files-containing .tgz
from the given URL as a files artifact. The resulting files artifact can be used in ServiceConfig.files
when adding a service.
: The URL on the web where the files-containing.tgz
should be downloaded from.artifactName
: The name to refer the artifact with.
: A UUID identifying the new files artifact, which can be used inServiceConfig.files
getExistingAndHistoricalServiceIdentifiers() -> ServiceIdentifiers serviceIdentifiers
Get all (active & deleted) historical identifiers for services for the enclave represented by the EnclaveContext.
: The ServiceIdentifiers which provides user-friendly ways to lookup service identifier information.
getAllFilesArtifactNamesAndUuids() -> []FilesArtifactNameAndUuid filesArtifactNamesAndUuids
Get a list of all files artifacts that are registered with the enclave represented by the EnclaveContext
: A list of files artifact names and their corresponding uuids.
getStarlarkRun() -> (GetStarlarkRunResponse getStarlarkResponse, Error error)
Get the last Starlark run from the enclave.
This class is a representation of service identifiers for a given enclave.
getServiceUuidForIdentifier(string identifier) -> ServiceUUID serviceUUID, Error
Returns the UUID that matches the given identifier. If there are no matches it returns an error instead.
: A service identifier string
: The UUID for the service identified by theidentifier
getOrderedListOfNames() -> []String serviceNames
Returns an ordered list of names for all the services in the enclave. This is useful if users want to enumerate all service names, say for an autocomplete like function.
: This is a sorted list of service names
This is a union object representing a single line returned by Kurtosis' Starlark runner. All Starlark run endpoints will return a stream of this object.
Each line is one of:
StarlarkInstruction instruction
An instruction that is about to be executed.
StarlarkInstructionResult instructionResult
The result of an instruction that was successfully executed
StarlarkError error
The error that was thrown running the Starlark code
StarlarkRunProgress progressInfo
Regularly during the run of the code, Kurtosis Starlark engine will send progress information through the stream to account for progress that was made running the code.
StarlarkRunFinishedEvent runFinishedEvent
This object will be sent once at the end of the execution to signify it has ended.
StarlarkWarning warning
A warning, non-fatal, message
represents a Starlark instruction that is currently being executed. It contains the following fields:
: the name of the instructioninstructionPosition
: the position of the instruction in the source code. It iscomposed of (filename, line number, column number)arguments
: The list of arguments provided to this instruction. Each argument is composed of an optional name (if it was named in the source script) and its serialized valueexecutableInstruction
: A single string representing the instruction in valid Starlark code
is the result of an instruction that was successfully run against Kurtosis engine. It is a single string field corresponding to the output of the instruction.
Errors can be of three kind:
Interpretation error: these errors happen before Kurtosis was able to execute the script. It typically means there's a syntax error in the provided Starlark code. The error message should point the users to where the code is incorrect.
Validation error: these errors happen after interpretation was successful, but before the execution actually started in Kurtosis. Before starting the execution, Kurtosis runs some validation on the instructions that are about to be executed. The error message should contain more information on which instruction is incorrect.
Execution error: these errors happen during the execution of the script against Kurtosis engine. More information is available in the error message.
accounts for progress that is made during a Starlark run. It contains three fields:
: The total number of steps for this runcurrentStepNumber
: The number of the step that is currently being executedcurrentStepInfo
: A string field with some information on the current step being executed.
is the object returned when the execution of the Starlark code is finished. Is composed of two fields:
: whether the run successfully finished or notserializedOutput
: when the run is successful and the Starlark code has returned an object, the returned object is automatically serialized to JSON by Kurtosis and returned via this field.
is a warning message returned by Kurtosis Starlark engine. Warnings are by definition non-fatal, they typically point out an antipattern in the code or a deprecated feature still being used
is the object returned by the blocking functions to run Starlark code. It is similar to StarlarkRunResponseLine except that it is not a union object:
: the Starlark Instruction that were runinsterpretationError
: a potential Starlark Interpretation error (see StarlarkErrorvalidationErrors
: potential Starlark Validation errors (see StarlarkErrorexecutionError
: a potential Starlark Execution error (see StarlarkErrorrunOutput
: The full output of the run, composed of the concatenated output for each instruction that was executed (separated by a newline)
This is a configuration object for Starlark Runs:
: The relative filepath (relative to the package's root) to the main file, if not set will use the default value 'main.star'. Example: if your main file is located in a path like thisgithub.com/my-org/my-package/src/internal/my-file.star
you should setsrc/internal/my-file.star
as the relative path. Configurable usingWithRelativePathToMainFile
: The main function name, if not set will use the default value 'run'. Configurable usingWithMainFunctionName
: The parameters to pass to the package for the run. It should be a serialized JSON/YAML string. Configurable usingWithSerializedParams
; defaults to{}
if not set.DryRun
: When set to true, the Kurtosis instructions are not executed. Configurable usingWithDryRun
; defaults to false.Parallelism
: The level of parallelism for instructions that support parallelism. Configurable usingWithParallelism
; defaults to 4ExperimentalFeatureFlags
: List of experimental features to turn on for this run. Leave empty to leave any experimental feature disabled. Configurable usingWithExperimentalFeatureFlags
; defaults to emptyCloudInstanceId
: TheCloudInstanceId
if running on Cloud Kurtosis. Configurable usingWithCloudInstanceID
; defaults to "".CloudUserId
: TheCloudUserId
if running on Cloud Kurtosis. Configurable usingWithCloudUserId
; defaults to "".
This Kurtosis-provided class is the lowest-level representation of a service running inside a Docker container. It is your handle for retrieving container information and manipulating the container.
getServiceName() -> ServiceName
Gets the Name that Kurtosis uses to identify the service.
The service's Name.
getServiceUuid() -> ServiceUUID
Gets the UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) that Kurtosis creates and uses to identify the service. The differences with the Name is that this one is created by Kurtosis, users can't specify it, and this never can be repeated, every new execution of the same service will have a new UUID
The service's UUID.
getPrivateIpAddress() -> String
Gets the IP address where the service is reachable at from inside the enclave that the container is running inside. This IP address is how other containers inside the enclave can connect to the service.
The service's private IP address.
getPrivatePorts() -> Map<PortID, PortSpec>
Gets the ports that the service is reachable at from inside the enclave that the container is running inside. These ports are how other containers inside the enclave can connect to the service.
The ports that the service is reachable at from inside the enclave, identified by the user-chosen port ID set in ServiceConfig.ports
when the service was created.
getMaybePublicIpAddress() -> String
If the service declared used ports in ServiceConfig.ports
, then this function returns the IP address where the service is reachable at from outside the enclave that the container is running inside. This IP address is how clients on the host machine can connect to the service. If no used ports were declared, this will be empty.
The service's public IP address, or an empty value if the service didn't declare any used ports.
getPublicPorts() -> Map<PortID, PortSpec>
Gets the ports that the service is reachable at from outside the enclave that the container is running inside. These ports are how clients on the host machine can connect to the service. If the service didn't declare any used ports in ServiceConfig.ports
, this value will be an empty map.
The ports (if any) that the service is reachable at from outside the enclave, identified by the user-chosen ID set in ServiceConfig.ports
when the service was created.
execCommand(List<String> command) -> (int exitCode, String logs)
Uses Docker exec functionality to execute a command inside the service's running Docker container.
: The args of the command to execute in the container.
: The exit code of the command.logs
: The output of the run command, assuming a UTF-8 encoding. NOTE: Commands that output non-UTF-8 output will likely be garbled!